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Size: 4oz bag

A member of the mint family, Lycopus americanus aka bugleweed is an herbaceous perennial that grows in moist meadows and swamps. Bugleweed is native to North America and has been historically employed by Eclectic and folk herbalists for its healthful properties. Considered energetically cooling and bitter, bugleweed herb is typically prepared as an infusion.

Not to be confused with Carpet bugle or common bugle (Ajuga virginicus), bugleweed is a marshland native to Europe and naturalized to the United States in the 17th century by colonists who grew it for its beneficial qualities.

Health Benefits Of Bugleweed

1. Boosts heart health Bugleweed is known to help promote heart health as it aids in normalising the heart rate and reducing blood pressure. Due to this, the herb is beneficial in preventing the onset of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

2. Soothes anxiety One of the major health benefits of bugleweed is that is anti-anxiety. That is, the soothing and sedative properties possessed by the herb help improve the condition by calming the heart palpitations and thereby soothing the stress hormones. "Kareena Kapoor's Kohl-Rimmed Eyes, Easy Steps To Master The Smouldering Look"

3. Improves sleep quality The soothing property of the herb makes it beneficial for sleep disorders. That is, the herb interacts with the hormones in your body and helps balance your Circadian rhythms and promote healthy rest. A natural remedy for insomnia, bugleweed is prescribed for individuals suffering from insomnia .

4. Promotes respiratory health The anti-inflammatory properties possessed by the herb is responsible for it being used to relieve respiratory distress, such as excessive coughing, shortness of breath, and sore throats. Bugleweed is extremely beneficial in soothing and providing relief for respiratory irritations as well as help remove phlegm and mucus from your system .

5. Prevents hormonal disorders Bugleweed can help prevent various hormonal disorders, especially thyroid problems. It can be used to treat hyper and hypothyroidism, which has curing effects on one's thyroid levels; thereby preventing the onset of hormonal disorders. Consequently, it also aids in regulating the oestrogen levels in women.

6. Speeds-up healing One of the other major health benefits possessed by bugleweed is that it helps promote the healing process. Applying bugleweed extract topically can promote rapid healing; due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the compounds present in the herb which can promote cell growth, reduce pain and prevent infection.

7. Promotes digestion The anti-inflammatory properties possessed by the herb can help ease stomach disorders, regulate your appetite and thereby promote your digestion . It is also known to ease the irritation caused by diarrhoea and promotes faster recovery from diarrhoea. Bugle tea also helps in treating various stomach disorders, including digestion, enteritis, gastritis and dyspepsia.

Organically Grown

Organic foods are grown on land that has been free from the use of synthetic fertilizers, growth regulators, insecticides or herbicides for at least three years. Before a product can be labeled Certified Organic, farmers and processors must meet certain requirements.

Organic Bugleweed

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